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10 Awesome Uses of Folding Boxes

10 Awesome Uses of Folding Boxes


Have you ever wondered that why is Coca-Cola cheaper in glass bottles than in cans? Well, there are two reasons for that and both are related to the MONEY $$. You see, when you drink in a can, you puff it all up. Get it all squeezed and crushed, and maybe throw a few kicks at it until you finally kick it into the dustbin and scream Goal! (We have all have done that at least once). Unfortunately – or very fortunately – you can’t do that with glass bottles. So, they can be sent directly back to the factories, to be washed and be refilled. Then they can be used to sell the beverage again. Cans, on the other hand, have to go through the entire recycling process. Those are just added costs, which can be considerably saved by using glass bottles. Free real estate, right? The second reason is that even if the glass bottles get broken, their recycling is much cheaper than cans.

Folding Boxes: Strong, Durable, and Even Cheaper Than Glass Bottles

The damage during shipping can leave quite a revenue shock to business owners. This is where folding boxes come in due to their strength and flexibility. And just like glass bottles, these packaging boxes can also be reused multiple times. And similarly, they can be recycled as well. Only, these processes are a whole lot cheaper than glass bottles. And like the sweet cherry on top, they can be customized easily to any shape and design. So, that they can then be used as custom gift boxes on any occasion.

What are Folding Boxes?

As it is evident from the name, the folding boxes can be folded down into a flat shape, or any other shape. Once the foldable box have been used, they can be folded down to a flatter shape to help with storage. This aids in saving space when they are not in use. This feature is one of the main reasons for its popularity as a means for transporting products. The shipping boxes, on the other hand, are the hardest to store due to their humongous designs.

The folding box can be made from cardboard if durability is required in packaging. Or even the folding boxes can be made from paper for lighter storage and transportation. Furthermore, the customized boxes have the ability to be reinforced from any side where desired. This means they can be made even more durable or remain flexible according to their usage. Finally, after they have been used, they can be folded down into a flatter shape like a tray. These require no excessive storage area until they are ready to be used again.

With that said, here are 10 Awesome Uses of Folding Boxes. These are some of the major applications the folding boxes are commonly used in.


1. Birthday Gift Boxes

Close your eyes and imagine the time when you were a kid. What’s your most pleasant memory from your birthday party? The tons of gifts you received and the joy of opening those gifts. Right?

Gifts and birthdays are synonymous. One unconsciously imagines there will be tons of gifts at a birthday party. However, it didn’t take much effort to think of a nice gift when we were kids. Everyone loved a toy car, or a Barbie set back then. But for grown-ups choosing the perfect gift can be quite tricky. Most adults are capable of buying their own things. This is why it gets hard to think of a perfect gift for adults. This is where foldable gift boxes come in. You see, for adults, it’s mostly about the gesture and the thought behind the gift. The custom folding boxes can help send you the perfect message

These foldable gift boxes can be made from paper and therefore can include a personal message. This message can remind the person of a precious memory you have with them. With the right message, the custom gift boxes can be made luxurious gift boxes.

Speaking of luxurious gift boxes, folding gift boxes send a nice appeal due to theiflexibility, unique design, and customization features. The more thought and effort that goes into making something makes it pricier and classier. Furthermore, the luxurious gift boxes can be customized to include precious metals or even pieces of jewelry.


 foldable gift boxes

2. Jewelry Boxes

Jewelry is something that can make any women feel special. It can portray one’s fashion sense. It shows taste in style and can also send hints of a special status or a message. What’s truly special about jewelry is that it has the ability to capture memories of a special moment. Like your first day at a job or a special date with your loved one. However, you can not wear jewelry all the time. It can be ruined the more it is used. Or a specific type of jewelry might not be occasion-appropriate. This is why we need some special packaging that is worthy of its contents.

Folding boxes can be made specifically for jewelry. The folding jewelry boxes can be customized according to the theme of the jewelry. So that you can easily find the right jewelry for the right occasion. Furthermore, the custom jewelry boxes are also capable of describing the special story of the jewelry within. The reverse tuck end boxes are mostly used for jewelry products. They have flaps on both sides that can be locked in the opposite direction. This provides a safe haven for your precious jewelry inside.


 folding jewelry boxes

3. Cosmetic Products

Folding boxes are also commonly used for cosmetics. This is because they can be easily stored and provide the necessary protection during shipping. Many cosmetic products are bought and sold online. Therefore, there is a lot of transportation involved for cosmetic products. If any of the products get damaged, it immediately means a return and a profit loss. Folding boxes help protect the cosmetics as they can be designed specifically for the content. There’s also another big advantage of using custom folding boxes for cosmetics.

The folding boxes can be made from paper. This means that they can clearly give information about the product. What kind of product is it and how to use it? When to use it? How to store? Any warnings or what skin type it is for. All the details can be easily added about the product on the folding box. Furthermore, it can also include some winning points such as “Dermatologically Tested” or “Truste Celebrities”etc


4. Weddings Gift Boxes

Many people go with the old money-in-the-envelope approach when it comes to choosing wedding gifts. This has become such a cliché. Although, the gift of money can never become underrated but there should be an innovation to this boring old tradition. This is where luxurious folding boxes come in with a head-turning boldness, giving all those uninteresting gifts a run for their money. These folding boxes for gifts can be crafted keeping the target audience in mind. So, you can choose the wedding couple’s favorite colors and designs. You can even add a unique message that will help you stand out from the crowd (as if folding boxes weren’t enough). And if you can’t think of what to put inside the custom gift box, well now you can simply leave in the money you were going to give them in the first place.

You see, when you choose a folding box for a wedding gift, you get to play with color psychology. For example, WHITE shows innocence and purity – which is why it’s commonly associated with weddings. BLACK shows class and elegance. RED shows passion. And ORANGE is a color to show joy, warmth, good health, and success wishes. The luxurious folding boxes for weddings have a strong affinity for absorbing different colors.


5. Flowers

Speaking of weddings, you know the things that are found abundantly at weddings? That’s right, they are flowers. But most of the flowers end up dying after the wedding is over. It’s because people don’t know how to properly care for them. With folding boxes, you can make flowers look even more beautiful by storing them in creative designs. They can be fabricated particularly to store flowers. 

More importantly, you can include information on the packaging. The information can be about how to store the specific flowers. What is the right environment for the flowers? And if they can cause certain allergies in some people? That’s not all. The folding boxes for flowers can be made from a mixture of wet strength paperboard and cardboard. This provides resistance against moisture which would have otherwise damaged normal boxes. Furthermore, folding boxes are Eco-friendly. You can also preserve them for a longer time by customizing the boxes with plastic lamination. This gives extra protection against heat, moisture, germs, and dirt, etc.


6. Marketing

This is undoubtedly the most important function of folding boxes. It is easy to make the best out of this serviceability of packaging boxes. Look, you ARE going to use boxes for your products, right? So, you should add your brand logo or image or a message on it. Otherwise, you are just wasting an incredible marketing opportunity.

Brand building and awareness is the key component for running a successful business. Marketing using folding boxes is amazingly helpful for small businesses and startups. This is because very few people know of the brand at the initial stage. Once, you make people more familiar with your brand they find it easier to trust something they already know of. You can simply add a QR code to your website on the box as well. As almost everyone today, carries a phone in their pocket, they can immediately know more about you.

The custom folding boxes can include a special message such as a limited-time offer. Or you can get an offer going on that deals with collecting more folding boxes for a special discount. You get more sales, get back the packaging boxes for reusability, and the customers get discounts. Everyone’s happy.



7. Electronics

Let me ask you this. Last time you went to buy an earphone or air-pods. You must have seen many on the shelf of the electronic store. Now, how many do you remember (except Apple air-pods)? Chances are you wouldn’t have remembered any of the air-pods that were on the shelf. And you only remember Apple air-pods because that’s an established business that doesn’t need much branding. For smaller businesses, you need to be really creative to stand out from the competition.

Folding boxes help in this regard. They can be customized according to the brand’s image, leaving all the competition behind in the dust. There are many more reasons to use folding boxes. They are incredibly cost-effective and provide strength and stability. Furthermore, they are very light in weight, so you don’t have to worry about extra shipping charges due to weight. They are easy to assemble or disassemble as well. They can be cut down to any shape. And for extra reinforcement, an extra layer of paper can be folded back that can go into the folded locks. The combination of beauty and utility is nothing short of perfection for custom packaging boxes for electronics.



8. Store Your Chocolates or any Food

In the wide arsenal of uses for folding boxes, the yummy delights couldn’t have been ignored. Pizzas – they come in pre-folded boxes. These boxes have all the information of the vendor. Brand logo, where to contact, and a nice picture of the pizza. And have you seen how they get stacked up during transportation? Thank God, not a single pizza gets destroyed. They don’t get slightly spoiled even when Spiderman whooshes through buildings carrying and swinging pizzas wildly.

Fiction apart, folding boxes have been popularly used by bakeries to showcase their best products. Bakery owners leave their pastries or cupcakes in their windows so customers can see what they look like. All the while, developing a craving in the customer. And right when they order, they can be quickly grabbed and packed swiftly. So, the customer can receive their product before their craving vanishes. 


9. Tea

We all know the benefits of tea. First of all, it’s an amazing and tasteful beverage. It is healthy. Perfect for cold weather. Helps in fighting the flu. It is good for weight loss as well (with a few added ingredients). All one needs is to remind people, during shopping, of these benefits and they would almost definitely buy them. Folding boxes help with this marketing.

The folding boxes are eco-friendly packaging. These can easily be recycled several times, thereby reducing their environmental impact. Not only that but also the material is cheaply available. Couple that with the option to bulk order, and you save even more on the costs. The cheap production is combined with easy printing and customization. This attracts customers while doesn’t put a financial burden on the business owners.




10. Wine

The all-in-one solution for wine storage and transportation is in folding boxes. Good wines can be expensive, so they require expensive packaging for protection. However, these two costs get added up and they might seem off-putting to customers. Enter, Folding boxes. Strong, durable protection at unexpectedly low rates.

The custom packaging box can provide protection from wear and tear during shipping. They can be used in the form of the snap-lock bottom. The snap locks at the bottom so the heavy wine bottle doesn’t slip out. The flaps of the box come together at the bottom for a safe and strong closure. And finally, the wine in the customized folding box is put on shelves or windows to display a nice appeal. The classiness of the wine coupled with the amazing taste enhances impulse buying. (But unlike most impulse buying customers won’t regret this purchase.)



Jialan Pacakge is a leading paper box manufacturer based in China, for custom foldable boxes, please feel free to contact us.


One-stop paper packaging custom design and production services to meet all your needs.

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