Jialan Package - Wholesale Paper Bag Supplier offers design and production services to meet all your needs.
For regular paper party bags products, samples are free except you will bear the state cost. So a state account such as DHL or FEDEX is required. We eager for your understanding that we have plenty of samples to ship daily. If all the freight are borne by us, the price will be very high. In order to express our sincerity, as long as the sample is confirmed successfully, the freight of the sample is going to be offset when the order is set, which will be equal to free delivery and free shipping.
Yiwu Yiwu Jialan Packaging Products Co., Ltd. Co.,Ltd, one of the leading producer and distributor of paper merchandise bags, has been considered as a trustworthy manufacturer in the industry. colored paper bags series manufactured by Jialan Gift Bags include multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. Our personalized gift bagsis durable and beautiful. People can set assured that this product will not easily get pilling after it is frequently washed. People will love its quality. The surface can be processed by 3D, hot stamping, gold stamping, embossing technology, etc.
We adhere to the plan of reducing, reusing, and recycling throughout the production process. Besides, we make efficient use of natural resources and energy in all operations.
Contact Person : Miss Nancy Bao
Tel : +86-579-85792908
E-mail : sales2@jialanpackage.com
Wechat : +86-15958936327
Whatsapp :+86-15958936327