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Plastic bag ban starts Jan.1-Delaware State News

Plastic bag ban starts Jan.1-Delaware State News


A ban on single-use #plastic carryout bags in Delaware, which was passed in 2019, will be starting January 1st. Once this takes effect, some businesses in Delaware will no longer be able to use or distribute single-use #plasticbags at the point-of-sale. The ban is designed to reduce beach and roadside #pollution, save landfill space, increase #recycling efforts and help prevent recycling facilities from having to shut down when plastic bags get stuck in the machinery. 

According to The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (#DNREC) Secretary Shawn Garvin, “Each Delawarean uses about 434 plastic bags (per year), and that means nearly 2,400 tons of plastic bags end up in our landfills annually.” DNREC urges consumers to bring reusable bags to stores instead and to clean/disinfect those bags between uses. Retailers can choose to offer paper bags, cloth bags or a thicker type of plastic bag that is designed to be reusable. The law allows retail stores to charge a fee for the bags they provide at point of sale. Restaurants are not subject to the ban, nor are small stores with less than 3 locations.

For more information use the link below from Delaware State News


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