Jialan Package - Wholesale Paper Bag Supplier offers design and production services to meet all your needs.
It depends on whether you have specific requirements on paper party bags sample. Usually, a common product sample will be shipped as soon as the sample order has been placed as we choose the best transportation company. Once the sample is shipped out, we'll send you an email notification of your order statuses, such as delivery time and goods location. If you experience delays in receiving your sample order, contact us immediately and we will help to confirm the status of your sample.
With years of kids paper gift bags production experience, Yiwu Yiwu Jialan Packaging Products Co., Ltd. Co.,Ltd has continued to innovate and creates products to make the brand stand out in the market. gift bag series manufactured by Jialan Gift Bags include multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. paper gift box takes the high-end line, mainly sold to overseas markets. The surface can be processed by 3D, hot stamping, gold stamping, embossing technology, etc. Yiwu Jialan Gift Bags Co.,Ltd has the capability to produce personalized gift bags with paper merchandise bags. This product can retain the freshness of food, such as coffee, tea, and snacks.
We are working toward building and maintaining sustainable operations by focusing on the risks and opportunities that are most important to our stakeholders and business success.
Contact Person : Miss Nancy Bao
Tel : +86-579-85792908
E-mail : sales2@jialanpackage.com
Wechat : +86-15958936327
Whatsapp :+86-15958936327