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How to Make Your Paper Gift Bags More Presentable?

How to Make Your Paper Gift Bags More Presentable?


We all know that Christmas is right around the corner, and the most exciting thing about Christmas is the gifts you give and receive from your friends and families. Everyone wants their gifts to look cute and presentable when given to another person, and some even go above and beyond to make their presents prettier. In this article, we have mentioned some easy tips and tricks through which you can make your paper gift bags more beautiful and fuller in color. So, let's dive into the article and look at them.

Cute Ideas to Makeyour Paper Gift Bags Presentable:

Here are some DIY ideas by which you can make your paper bags worth presentable. 

1. Reindeer Gift Bags:

You will need a paper gift bag, scissors, double-sided tape, cardstock, pom-pom, glue, and a black marker. After grabbing them, follow the steps given below to make your reindeer gift bags.

· Cut the top of an antlers top using brown paper and then stick it on top of the paper bag.

· Then cut out the shapes of eyebrows or eyes from cardstock and stick them on the paper gift bags.

· Then take a red pom-pom for the nose and stick it on the center of the eyes. That’s it! You have made a perfect reindeer gift bag.

2. Snowflake Stamped Bag:

Another cute idea for Christmas gifts is to transform your paper gift bags into snowflake-stamped bags. To make it, you need to white ink pad, snowflake stamps, and silver tissue paper to stuff the bag.

Follow the steps to make your snowflake-stamped bag.

· Take your white ink and the snowflake stamps.

· Dip your stamp in white ink and then stamp it on your bag.

· Please make sure you correctly stamp and cluster them on your bag to make it look fuller. This will make the perfect festive snowflakes stamped paper gift bags.

3. Christmas Tree Stamp Bags:

Another fun way to make your paper gift bags more fun and Christmassy is by adding Christmas trees. You'll need Christmas tree stencils, ink, white gel pen.

Mentioned below are the steps that you can follow to make the Christmas Tress Stamp Bags:

· Get your favorite paper gift bag, dip your Christmas tree stencils into the ink, and stamp them on paper.

· Take your white gel pens and add small stars around the trees.

· Also, make the tress topper and other ornaments on your Christmas trees cuter.

4. Spray Painted Paper Gift Bags:

Spray painting and creating innovative designs on paper bags is also great idea to make paper gift bags. This is a fun way to spend time with your children.

To create this bag, you'll need a pine branch, paint spray, and a paper bag of your choice. After gathering these, follow the steps below to create these spray-painted paper gift bags.

· First, stick the pine branch to your paper gift bags using an adhesive.

· Next, you need to spray the metallic spray paint of the color of your choice.

· Once you have sprayed it, let it dry. Then remove the pine branch, which will create a fun texture for your paper gift bags.

5. Ribbon and Washi Tapes:

If you want something straightforward to amp up paper gift bags, then ribbons and washi tapes are perfect. You can create different designs and patterns using them. To make these paper gift bags, you'll need a paper tag, washi taped, and a thin ribbon. Below are the steps you will have to follow.

· Take your washi tape and stick it vertically in the center of your paper gift bags.

· Now take the ribbon and stick that on your paper bag as well. You can create as many vertical lines as you like.

· Once you are happy with the lines, stick a gift tag on the front of your bag, and voila, you have a fun and unique paper gift bag.

6. Bow Bag:

Another cute but effortless way to make your paper gift bags ready for this festive season is by adding a small bow to the bag. You'll need your paper gift bags, and a black felt tip pen for this look. There is no rocket science behind making this bag; all you need to do is create different and cute little bows on your bag. You can take inspiration from different pictures and draw them on your paper gift bags.

7. Stuffing the Paper Gift Bags:

If you are someone who puts the gift packing process to the last minute, but you still want them to look beautiful, then we have the perfect solution for you. You can add the colored tissue paper used for packing in your paper gift bags and then add your gifts. This is the simplest yet effective way to amp up your paper gift bags on a budget.

Jialan Package- The Ultimate Place to Get Packaging Bags:

If you don't have time to make your paper gift bags adorable but still want paper gift bags that look cute, Jialan Package is the best place for you. We have a wide variety of paper gift bags, wrapping papers, packing boxes, and other things. A great thing about this company is that they do not compromise on quality. The printed bags are adorable, with the best color payoff. Hence, Jialan Package is the ultimate hub for paper gift bags.


This article features effortless and effective ideas to make your gift paper bags more creative. You can take inspiration from this article, add your images, and create unique designs. So, make sure this Christmas you are adding a touch of your love by DIY'ing the paper gift bags. For more convenience, you can get customized paper gift bags from Jialan Package. Their impressive quality and cute approach to the gift bags will surely leave your guests amazed. 


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