What color (size, type, specification) is available for paper gift box in Jialan Gift Bags?
Generally, unlike the external dimensions, the internal structure of paper gift box is usually fixed and hard to change. Sometimes, a tiny change in its specifications may influence its final performance. So, please browse the product details on our official website, we have full descriptions of this type of products and provide some selectivities for those who require something different. If not, contact us. In some special situations, we will take your requirements about the specifications, like colors and sizes into serious consideration and can provide tailor-made products as you want.
With premium excellent service, Yiwu Yiwu Jialan Packaging Products Co., Ltd. Co.,Ltd has a high reliability in the market. custom gift boxes is one of Jialan Gift Bags's multiple product series. Jialan brown paper bag is finely and expertly manufactured in a combination of abundant expertise and advanced production technology. The surface can be processed by 3D, hot stamping, gold stamping, embossing technology, etc. This product gives a performance that exceeds the requirements of videophile purists as well as the industry’s most discriminating integrators. The product is distinguished by good water resistance.
In order to satisfy our customers, Yiwu Jialan Gift Bags Co.,Ltd will work hard to do every possible thing. Ask online!
With premium excellent service, Yiwu Yiwu Jialan Packaging Products Co., Ltd. Co.,Ltd has a high reliability in the market. custom gift boxes is one of Jialan Gift Bags's multiple product series. Jialan brown paper bag is finely and expertly manufactured in a combination of abundant expertise and advanced production technology. The surface can be processed by 3D, hot stamping, gold stamping, embossing technology, etc. This product gives a performance that exceeds the requirements of videophile purists as well as the industry’s most discriminating integrators. The product is distinguished by good water resistance.
In order to satisfy our customers, Yiwu Jialan Gift Bags Co.,Ltd will work hard to do every possible thing. Ask online!
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